Community Square Dances
RAAC partners with Rapp-at-Home in bringing community dances to Rappahannock. One or two gatherings are held during the year at the Sperryville Fire Hall which has a great wood dance floor. While interrupted by the Covid pandemic, we intend to resume this fun event that was once a County tradition. It’s an easy way to see friends and meet neighbors as you sashay around the floor. As dancers soon discover, it’s hard to doe-si-doe your partner and not smile. The live music is foot-tapping perfect, the atmosphere casual, and the caller is top notch who will guide all in learning new square dances, Virginia Reels, and even Texas two-step. This community-wide event is free and all are invited, young and old, single or partnered. Donations are happily accepted at the door. Upcoming events are announced in our Look & Listen e-newsletter (subscribe here).

Rappahannock Association for Arts and Community
PO Box 24
Washington, VA 22747
© 2023 Rappahannock Association for Arts and Community.
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